The AccuSpreader by Airduce LLC is a revolutionary Aerial Delivery System for Wet and Dry agricultural applications.

The AccuSpreader is designed for easy installation & removal on all Robinson R44* helicopters (Astro, Cadet, Raven I / II), using existing hardware & aircraft hard-points.  The 19-bushel Fiberglass Tank holds dry seed or wet products (fertilizer, pesticide, etc).
Our unique Dry System is powered by hydraulics and paired with a specialized Flow-Control Processor for accurate planting.  The motors drive a pair of Augers to feed the Collector, which drops the seed into an Impeller for even distribution across a 180˚ spread.
By attaching as a Class A External Load -- beneath the Aft Fuselage but ABOVE THE LANDING GEAR -- the AccuSpreader by Airduce is the SAFER & MORE EFFICIENT choice, eliminating the need for traditional Swing Buckets.
*Additional aircraft to follow. Contact us for compatibility inquiries & requests.